
Redesign an existing product that contains a lapse in UX.


One Week Sprint


Anelle Sanchez: User Research

Bryant Roesch:
Information Architecture

Celeste Castanon: Prototyping

Problem Statement:

In the IKEA Place mobile application, there is not an accessible or convenient action button to buy selected items a customer is interested in. 

In attempt to purchase, customers will need to remember item number and independently travel to another site to complete order.

My Role:

My focus throughout this project was on information architecture. In this role I created user flows, wireframes and atomic components.

Ideation of the solution fell strongly on this portion of the project, specifically regarding the wireframe. Using the research completed by Anelle I was able to craft the ideal solution, by interpreting the research and formulating a visual foundation. After laying the groundwork I conveyed the solution to Celeste for implementation in a high fidelity prototype.


Competitive Analysis, User Interviews, User Personas

Competitive Analysis



User Flows, Wireframes, Visual Design

User Flows


Creating the solution :

Crafting a solution for this redesign fell on a single user flow, the purchasing flow. Below is a depiction of the flow contextualized in a wireframe. By adding an option to add a product to cart coupled with the cart icon that appears upon adding said item we can solve this lapse in the user experience on the IKEA Place application.

Visual Design

Branding, Iconography, Typography


User Testing, Brand Implementation, Prototyping

User Testing


  • Add a table to the cart.
  • View a table in AR mode and add to cart.
  • Visit your cart and purchase item.


  • Tester was able to add the table to the cart.
  • She had issues with viewing in AR mode initially but eventually completed task successfully.
  • Able to visit the cart, again had issues because of the cart being in the profile section.
Check out the prototype

What I learned?

This project furthered my skills in teamwork. With a limited scope and a pointed problem to solve Anelle, Celeste and I brainstormed and communicated thoroughly about solutions. Delegating certain tasks amongst our team opened up the depth at which we could dive into our perspective solutions, all the while iterating to point the solution to a cohesive conclusion.